Friday, April 1, 2016


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It's time for God's kids to enjoy a time of rest.  If you are anything like us, you probably have to fight for family time and relaxation.  Americans have learned how to scribble furiously on the margins of their souls and call it "being productive."  But, truth be told, we are just too durn busy.  There seems some sick satisfaction in being able to tell others about all the irons we have in the fire, as if we are hoping to win the Nobel Exhaustion Prize.  Our bodies suffer for it.  Our marriages suffer for it.  Our kids suffer for it.  Our friends, jobs, schools, neighbors and strangers suffer for it.  And dare I say it - our worship suffers for it, too.  Busyness reassigns much of the energy we would use to sit and talk with the Lord.  He seems to be the only entity not screaming for our attention; and yet, the only One so deserving of it.  So, how can we safeguard our intimate time with the Lord and truly enjoy some much needed rest?  I propose a simple two-pronged approach:
  1. REFRESH BELIEF:  Learn to trust God that He can accomplish more through us, in less time, if we are faithful to put the Sabbath back in our lives.  It's too much to copy and paste here, but take some time to read Hebrews 4:1-11.  It's all about rest.  It kicks off with a pretty stout exhortation - "Watch out! You seriously don't want to miss out on the experience of God's rest."  Interestingly enough, it connects the idea of rest with belief.  Basically, the writer asserts that people fail to enter into rest due to a difficulty in trusting God.  If we will refresh our belief that God can be trusted to take care of us, we will find it easier to restore the margins of our soul.  If we trust Him for our sense of identity and value, sour busyness will bend the knee to sweet rest.
  2. RESTORE MARGIN:  Once we refresh our trust in Him, we must be intentional to follow through by actually going to Him. He bids us "Come!"  If we are weary and weighed down, we are to come He doesn't cause us to rest, forcing us into it like a straight-jacket.  He gives us rest.  We actually trade burdens.  He gives us the one He originally intended for us, which we are shocked to find so easy and light.  We couple ourselves to Him and learn to move at the supernatural speed of Sabbath.  Not only our bodies, but our minds, wills, and emotions - our souls, find rest.  Like a peaceful treasure hunt, we find rest.  That's right.  It doesn't always just, "Peekaboo, I see you!"  We must find it - in Him.  We attach to and partner with Him to restore the margins that have been vandalized by modern life.
It's that simple (though admittedly, maybe not that easy)...we just refresh our belief that He will take care of us and then cooperate with Him to restore the margins.  Here's one of those nuggets: True rest will be found in the fruit of intimacy not the fatigue of industry.  And once this is restored to us, it will change everything.  Our bodies will be blessed.  Our families, friends, neighbors, and, you guessed it - our worship, will all go to new levels.  If you don't believe me, just check out Deuteronomy 12:8-9.  It's all right there.  How we relate to and celebrate our God-life will be transformed as we learn to live at the pace of grace.  I feel better just typing this!  Now, it's getting late, so I think it's time for me to go...and rest. ;-)

Forever panning for gold,

Chris Liotta

Lead Pastor
Rivergate Church

© 2016 Chris Liotta

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