Friday, April 8, 2016


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Eliminating poverty.  How many times have we heard a politician or a pageant queen share their desire to eliminate poverty?  Don't get me wrong, I believe they are genuine in their desire to do so.  The compassion is there.  But, what of a plan?  Is there a workable plan to eliminate poverty worldwide?  Again, I don't say that to judge, for it is a much larger issue than one human heart can solve.  I, myself, have a pretty strong faith; yet readily admit, with current conditions, I need quite a bit more before I could say with confidence that I see the eradication of worldwide poverty happening.  So, why even blog it?  Well, it's quite simple, really.  Maybe even a bit trite.  The answer to eliminating poverty is hidden within the context of knowing God.

Aaaah, there it is - the catch!  yeah, there's always a catch.  But this catch is super gentle and seriously generous.  Eliminating poverty is directly linked to yielding to the loving, instructional flow of God's wisdom.   You see that bold-face type in the last sentence?  That is what the root words for "law" and "commands" actually mean in the original Hebrew language.  They come from the words for "rain" or "river."  A flow of nourishing, refreshing water that moves in one direction, from one place to another, namely, from God as the source, toward man as the receiver.  The blessings of profitability and prosperity are found in knowing God, seeking His wisdom in all areas, and listening to and heeding His loving instruction.  We let His wise, caring counsel rain down on us and pour right through us until we are fully cleansed and nourished.  If you struggle with financial security.  If life, your own choices, or bad teaching, have created "holes in your pockets," let me suggest a simple exercise that just may turn the tide for you:
  1. ASK:  Ask God to reveal any area of your life where you may have ignored or rejected His loving instructions, regardless of the topic, but certainly being sensitive to areas of financial management.
  2. SHIFT:  If/When it is revealed that there has been such a breach, simply repent.  Ask Him to forgive you and then recommit yourself to following His course.  If you feel there was no breach, ask God to direct you now, with a fresh word of instruction.
  3. LOOK:  Look for the first decision you can make that will get you back on track or put His fresh nugget of wisdom into practice.
  4. STEP:  Take the step you identified and walk confidently, knowing God has your back.  Always activate based on faith. Anything else is sub-par and will degrade over time.
  5. EXPECT:  Trust that He is going to do the part that only He can do.  Start looking for the victories that He promises and then give Him the glory when they come!
If we will do this, poverty will be eliminated in our personal lives.  In very miraculous ways and very simple moments, we will see transformation.  This will motivate us to show others the way.  Before you know it, the impoverished spirit, that has wrapped its ugly arms around our friends, families and communities, draining them of life and resources, will lose grip, detach, emaciate, and die.  Oh, what a day.  When poverty is eliminated.

Forever panning for gold,

Chris Liotta

Lead Pastor
Rivergate Church

© 2016 Chris Liotta

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