Wednesday, April 13, 2016


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"A land flowing with milk and honey..."  This iconic phrase is the language of blessing and prosperity.  The words evoke a sense of tranquility and effortlessness.  There is something supernaturally comforting about the idea of living in a place that "flows with milk and honey."  When the Lord initiates the deliverance of Israel, He promises just such an experience.  Later, He reiterates the promise, encouraging the Israelites to remain faithful and expectant.  Centuries later, Jeremiah recounts God's kindness to deliver on His promise.  

One of the chapters that famously records the "milk and honey" reference is Deuteronomy 11.  The chapter is jam-packed with gooey, God goodness, but I want to draw out just a few points.  Let's front load the nugget for this post:  The greatest faith, for the greatest blessings, is available to the people, who have witnessed the greatest move of God, during the greatest trials.  That's a lot of "greatness," I know.  But look at Deuteronomy 11 for yourself.  In it, God is calling His people Israel to trust Him in this last thrust of pressing through the wilderness.  They are tired and weary.  They have been hearing "milk and honey" for a few generations, and many are really starting to wonder.  Maybe a few are thinking, "If I hear 'milk and honey' one more time..."  But here they are, about to cross over and possess the land.  It is really happening.  And God is saying, "Don't shrink back are soooo close!"  I love the way He speaks here.  Many of the Israelites are now old.  Some may feel like, "big deal...the promised land...milk and's really more for my kids at this point."  But the Father knows their hesitant hearts.  He knows that, for many, their sleepy souls are struggling to stay excited.  He tells them, "Oh, children!  This is not for your kids - at least, not only and not primarily.  I promised this to you, and you are about to receive it!  Remember, your kids didn't see all the miracles.  Your kids didn't see Me wipe out the enemies.  They didn't watch as I cleansed the camp of bitterness and division.  They didn't experience the initiations of intimacy that changed the way we relate to one another.  Hang in there.  Stay full of faith.  Stay on the edge of your seats.  Stay in love with Me and see what "milk and honey" are all about.  I want you to drink deeply of My provision.  I want you to feel the satisfying strength that My milk is to your bones.  I want you to feel the sweet rush of energy, healing, and pleasure that comes from My honey.  Don't shrink back.  I want to truly BLESS you!"

And He is saying this to us now.  Take time to remember and recount the blessings of God.  All the ways He has delivered you.  All the ways He has blessed you.  All the enemies He has defeated for you.  Don't focus on the wounds you have endured.  Look at your scars and see them for what they are - proof that He has healed you.  Remember - and get ready for your own season of "milk and honey." Don't shrink back.  It's coming.  It's coming soon!

Forever panning for gold,

Chris Liotta

Lead Pastor
Rivergate Church

© 2016 Chris Liotta

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