Saturday, April 16, 2016


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It's time for the children of God to walk in victory.  That isn't just religious pep talk.  It is TRULY time for God's kids to step above the enemy's rancor and become the portals of Heaven's authority that the Father has provided for us to be.  The death of Jesus released so much more than a cosmic "Get Out of Jail Free" card.  We became partakers of a divine nature - oh, what a mysterious blessing!  Holy Spirit now dwells within to maximize the nature and presence of God by activating His character, gifts, and fruit, as the tools of our supernatural trade and the food through which the world will "taste and see that the Lord is good."  

Now, there are so many ways to approach the subject of victory.  Of course, we know that Christ has already won the victory for us.  Just check out John 16:33, 1 John 5:4, and 1 Corinthians 15:57, for starters.  Yet, in spite of this amazing and overwhelming provision, so many of the Father's kids have difficulty walking in and regularly enjoying that victory.  Today's nugget poses a potential reason for that, as well as a relatively simple solution.  Remember, as you keep reading, I said it would be simple.  That doesn't mean it will be necessarily easy.  That part will depend upon your willingness to surrender to the Lord.  

“Get up! Command the people to purify themselves in preparation for tomorrow. For this is what the Lord , the God of Israel, says: Hidden among you, O Israel, are things set apart for the Lord . You will never defeat your enemies until you remove these things from among you."  

I believe one the greatest, current hindrances to the Body of Christ, with regard to walking in victory, is found in the words of Joshua 7:13.  Without unpacking the back story here, the context of God's instructions are given during the time when Israel is finally occupying the land that was promised so many years ago.  She is finally stepping into - victory.  The community hits a major blockade and God meets with Joshua to reveal the problem and the solution; and the revelation and instruction He gives to Joshua works for us today:
  1. GET UP!  It is completely understandable to grow so tired of the battles that we just want to stay in bed, on the couch, on the floor.  Maybe we are praying, maybe escaping, maybe quitting.  Whatever the case, that moment passes and God says, "GET UP! I want to address you in your true position: standing before Me in the identity of My Son's victory."
  2. GET CLEAN!  Take an assessment of yourself.  Find anything that you know is counter-Christ, anything opposing the good nature of God within you, and get rid of it.  It's doing more to block your peace than it is to bring you pleasure.  Get rid of it.  Believe me, you won't really miss it when it's gone.
  3. GET GIVING!  "Hidden among you," He says, "are things set apart for God."  The Father often tests our hearts, challenging us to make gifts of ourselves and our resources.  When we become supernaturally retentive, we pinch off the flow of His grace through us.  Investigate the spirit.  We must find out what He is wanting us to surrender and then invest it into the soil of opportunity to which He has called us.
Until we are willing to do this, the Lord says, "We will never defeat our enemies."  What a horrible condition.  To be assigned a victory that never manifests.  That is unacceptable to the Blood of Jesus; and should be equally unacceptable to the Body of Christ.  I am praying today that God will help us, as One Glorious Body, to GET UP, GET CLEAN, and GET GIVING - because, it's VICTORY TIME!

Forever panning for gold,

Chris Liotta

Lead Pastor
Rivergate Church

© 2016 Chris Liotta

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