Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Honduras Ministry Trip - March 2015

Ministry.  It.  Is.  EVERYWHERE.  It is all the time.  There is no chance that you can walk around for a day and not be exposed to opportunities to bless, help, serve, give.  Of course, noticing them is sometimes a challenge, for those of us who "get in the zone" as we go through our daily routine.  The pace of the clock can sometimes compete with our true heart to minister, but ministry is out there.  Waiting for someone to lock eyes and say, "I see that need - and I raise you one answer in Jesus Christ!"  

This creates a tension, though, doesn't it?  With so many opportunities, it gets overwhelming.  Sometimes we want to shut down completely, with so many needs pulling on our legs.  Yet, if we do that, there stirs a nagging, guilty feeling of having ignored "the least of these" right there in front of us.  Is there a cut-off point?  That moment when we say, "I will take care of this, this and that, but then those will have to take care of themselves." The short answer - "YES."  Now, it's not nearly as cold or arbitrary as that dialogue suggests, but there is a way to choose our specific ministry assignments, invest ourselves fully, and then step back without any feelings of guilt and shame.  It's called PRIORITIZING PRESENCE. You see, it is the presence of God within us, that makes valuable anything that issues forth from us.

 Mark 14:7 - Bible Gateway Style

The context of Jesus' words above is specific, but the words have manifold meaning.  We will ALWAYS have "the poor" (ministry opportunities).  We can help them "whenever we want to."  Jesus recognizes spontaneous ministry.  He acknowledges that our hearts will be stirred and we will want to meet the needs around us.  It is part of our new nature in Jesus; and we are authorized to bless!  The part that He felt was so important to highlight, though, was the privilege of prioritizing presence.  It is true, that since the cross, we need not worry about whether or not Jesus is technically with us. However, experiencing the benefits of His presence can be more elusive than many of us would care to admit.  Prioritizing the presence.  Taking time to focus on who Jesus is...within us...through us, becomes the key to ensuring that we not only fulfill the ministry assignments He has for us; but that we do so from the place of potency - which is presence.  Living, not from the stretched reserves of the body and soul, but from within the context of His life source.   Sitting at His feet reminds us of what is really important.  It refreshes us.  It empowers us.  

Prioritizing His presence will ensure that we bring more than compassion or obligation to the table of ministry.  It will also ensure that we will not give ourselves into depletion.  I encourage you.  Invest the time today in prioritizing your relationship with Jesus.  Sit in His presence.  Cry at His feet, if you need to.  Say, "no" to some other really important thing.  Just this once.  Just for a while.  Get refreshed.  Remind your soul, just how good it is to simply "have God."  Then...when you are fully charged and aware of Who He is, for you, in you, with you - feel free to bless, help, serve, give.

Forever panning for gold,

Chris Liotta

Lead Pastor
Rivergate Church

© 2016 Chris Liotta

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