Wednesday, April 27, 2016


 Link to Image Source - AHA

In CLEAN HEARTS - Part 1, we addressed a common misconception about the heart.  If you haven't read that, I suggest you go back and check it out before moving on with this one.

Once we recognize the inherently good nature of our new heart, we must learn to master the art of letting its supernaturally natural submission to God's will become the prevailing force of our affections and directions.  In simpler terms:  Our new heart is awesome!  It loves God and wants to live a life that pleases Him.  Our job is to develop new soul habits that give the new heart the chance to live the new life.  So, how do we do that?  Well, there are lots of ways to approach this, and lots of New Testament verses that can help us.  Romans 12:1-2 instantly springs to mind.  But, in an effort to show how ancient and do-able this is, I want to use two widely-known Old Testament verses that demonstrate how the Father has desired and provided for this all along.

 Bible Gateway

 Bible Gateway

Having recognized that our hearts are no longer prone to sin by design (again, see CLEAN HEARTS - Part 1), we now realize that we have the new natural ability and privilege of yielding our hearts to TRUSTING and DELIGHTING in God.  The excellence of our mental faculties is put in its rightful place, which is in submission to a heart completely given over to God.  We accept and adopt the truth that our wisdom and passion will be founded in and focused on the Lord.  The Master of the Universe is the Master of our hearts.  My will, by my choosing, by relationship -  is His.  As a return gift, He promises to provide DIRECTION and SATISFACTION.  I trust in Him, instead of my brains, and He directs me.  I delight in Him, instead of what I see around me, and He provides and perfects my passions.  The new heart He has given me affords me the blessings of both strategic planning and supernatural pleasure.  It is that simple.  And it is made accessible to "whosoever will."  Take some time today to sit quietly, thank God for a clean heart and then consciously surrender it to Him.  Trust in Him.  Delight in Him.  And then celebrate the guidance and joy that belong to His children.

Forever panning for gold,

Chris Liotta

Lead Pastor
Rivergate Church

© 2016 Chris Liotta

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