Tuesday, March 29, 2016


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"It is impossible but that offences will come..."  Encouraging words from our Savior!  ;-)  Actually, we can't blame Jesus for sharing with us the obvious truth that we all, at some time or another, will be offended.  If we are honest, we will probably also admit that, on occasion, we plant the offending seed.  Offences are fertilizer in our relationships.  Pungent and unattractive when first applied, but powerfully nourishing to the soil of our souls once plowed under.  Forgiveness is that plow.  It takes the odorous offence and buries it deep in our hearts, where it fuels the growth of mature love.  

So, how do we forgive?  The act itself is so simple - you just forgive.  But, it's not the act that is the problem, is it?  The real question is probably more like this:  How do I find it in myself to forgive?  I have found three pillars of thought that help tremendously when trying to forgive an offence.  
  1. I forgive because I remember what it's like to be forgiven.  We are God's chosen family.  We have been earmarked for His love and friendship.  This compels us to wear His tenderness as a cloak of mercy, kindness, and humility.  We function in a gentle spirit, with patient strength that enables us to carry offences and not be trapped by them.  We are honored to lay them at the foot of the same Cross that consumed our wrongs.
  2. I forgive because I recognize that people don't usually offend on purpose.  Jesus was enduring the final throes of torture and rejection.  He had been violated, abused, mocked, and defamed.  Now, He was hung out to die for all to see.  From this place, and between the labored breaths of crucifixion, He speaks the word of forgiveness, with only one meager justification:  the offenders have no idea just what they are really doing. How utterly humble!  Can we adopt just such a perspective?  That our offenders really don't understand what they are doing?  We can.  We must.  We will.
  3. I forgive because I realize that I will probably need forgiveness again soon.  In the spirit, I owed God a debt so big, if He were to call it in, there was no possibility of raising the sum necessary to cover it.  So I cried out for mercy!  And He gave it.  The whole flippin' balance - wiped clean!  In my new found freedom I remembered the $10 relational debt owed me by my friend.  So, I beat him mercilessly until I felt like I had gotten about $10 and change (you know...accrued interest) out of him.  WHAT?!?  What a supernatural slap in the face to the One who is the very essence of love, mercy, grace...forgiveness.  We can't. We mustn't.  We won't. 
We must choose to view offence through the lens of God.  We must let our gratitude for the mercy shown to us override our appetite for the judgment of others.  We must remember that forgiveness is a renewable resource and that we are God's recycling center.  So...someone threw some rotting food in a heap in your heart.  Conflict can become compost.  Plow it under!  Turn that offence into fertilizer for a harvest of love.  This will be health and peace for us, grace and hope for others, and an absolute source of pleasure for Papa God.  Even if you don't think they deserve it, which is arguable, He has certainly earned it on their behalf.  Just forgive.

Forever panning for gold,

Chris Liotta

Lead Pastor
Rivergate Church

© 2016 Chris Liotta

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