Joseph was a real man. He was a good father and a good husband and, more than likely, a good carpenter. It stands to reason that God would select just such a person for Jesus, but let's remember that Joseph was, in fact, just a man. Like you and I, he faced a host of daily concerns. His heart raced for his bride, broke at his family's pains, ached for more of God, braced for disappointment, thrilled in victories, and rumbled with the responsibilities common to us all.
Matthew 2 records the beginning of Joseph & Mary's life together, raising Jesus...the Son of God. Yeah, no pressure there. Of course, there are so many amazing nuggets - drama, thrills, intrigue; but, the nugget for today is simply the way that Joseph demonstrates real manhood. In chapter 1, we saw Mary, risking the most, in this "give birth to God" deal. When she says, "yes" to the Lord, she is immediately laying her life on the line. Joseph will lose face, for sure, but Mary? Death. The community could actually line up and pelt her with rocks, until she dies. But here in Chapter 2, we see a little shift. Joseph now carries the brunt of life-and-death responsibility for the family. It's Joseph who is awakened from a dream, told to escape Herod's wrath and head to Egypt. Joseph must leave all that's familiar and strike out in search of safety and provision. Then, it's Joseph who must obey the Lord again, when in a dream he is told to return to Israel. It's Joseph who continues to rise to the challenge of moving his family all over the world at the word of the Lord. Joseph hears the groans of his other children as they leave friends behind. Joseph looks Mary in the face and convinces her that he has heard the Lord, that they will all arrive safely - that Jesus will be safe. It matters not that Jesus is not his biological son. In his heart, he says, "He is mine. God gave Him to me." Maybe his carpentry business is flourishing. Maybe she has the house "just the way she wants it," but out they go, at Joseph's word. Joseph leads. He doesn't drag them into his own pursuits. He leads them into their destiny.
Real men do this. Good fathers and husbands do this. They listen for the voice of Papa God and make the sacrifices, moves, and concessions necessary to enable those around them to step safely and securely into their destinies. We're men. We protect. We provide. We guide. It's what we do. We need no other confirmation than what the Spirit gives. Inconvenience is never reason enough to resist the call. Fear is not allowed to rule our decisions. Our greatest joy is to see those we love step into their destiny. Thank You, Lord, for making us real men.
Forever panning for gold,

Chris Liotta
Forever panning for gold,
Chris Liotta
Lead Pastor
Rivergate Church
© 2016 Chris Liotta
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