Tuesday, March 1, 2016


 This is us...when we assume!  LOL!

Okay, okay...I know this is a bit edgy for some of you, but we know the old adage.  What happens when we assume?  More specifically, what happens when we rely on what we assume?  When assumptions become the ground beneath our social, spiritual or intellectual feet?  Yeah, now I've got you thinking.  ;-)  TIME TO DROP THE QUOTABLE NUGGET:  The assumptions crafted from our opinions are often the foundations supporting our deceptions.  Yeah, chew on that for a minute.

What we assume about one another often eats away at the truth beneath our feet.  We lose ground in faith and hope and love.  This so grieves Holy Spirit, Who ever lives to help us retain and reflect all that Jesus died to release.  When we make assumptions (affectionately referred to as "vain imaginations" in the Bible), we find ourselves isolated and elevated.  Not the precious "pulling away to pray" or the "lifting up of the Lord" - no, we are talking about a lonely arrogance that bars to door to manifesting the greatest facets of Christ's character, and keeps us from finishing the true work He left us here to do.  That's reconciliation, folks.  We will never reconcile with something or someone we can't respect; and most of our assumptions destroy the respect Papa God wants us to have for one another.  Our assumptions inspire us to believe lies about others and ourselves, which in turn keeps us from loving well.  And love is the essence of God and the calling card of the gospel.  Let's take some time to assess our assessments of others, shall we?  Let's commit to abandoning the assumptions that serve to eradicate the culture of heaven working through us.  And let's keep the donkeys on the farm.  ;-)

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