Wednesday, May 25, 2016


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Sometimes in our effort to keep up with the pace of society, or to hasten the fulfillment of a dream, we find ourselves barreling through life.  The younger and more energetic that we are, the more enthusiastic we can be in this conquering hustle.  Granted, it is exciting to move forward into destiny and achievement. Similarly, when we sense a victory around the corner, it is natural to quicken our pace as internal momentum kicks us into high gear.  But, our pace must always be equal to the flow of grace that God has given us.  Being on the winning team should never become an excuse to become unhinged and reckless on the field.  We are engaged in a battle.  Outpacing our Commander-in-Chief will have disastrous results.  Take a look at this story:

But Asahel refused to turn back, so Abner thrust the butt end of his spear through Asahel’s stomach, and the spear came out through his back. He stumbled to the ground and died there. And everyone who came by that spot stopped and stood still when they saw Asahel lying there.
2 Samuel 2:23 NLT

The story of Asahel is far too common a contemporary tale as well.  Asahel had joined David's army.  Disenchanted with the political status quo, he hitched himself to Israel's rising star.  He was on the winning team.  Even more than that, he was fast, naturally able to outpace and outlast his opponents.  If you read the preceding verses, you get a glimpse of his youthful, playful arrogance.  Even his enemy, a one-time friend, tries to warn him to slow down and pace his attack.  (Side note:  Friends, we will receive no such caring instruction from the true enemies of God's Kingdom.)  In his zeal to claim the final victory, Asahel wouldn't relent - he just wouldn't SLOW DOWN!  The verse above shows us the results of his failure to patiently pace.  From his story, consider these few nuggets:
  1. There is a time, while in pursuit of the enemy, to turn back.  This is not retreat - it is a strategic return to the Commander for replenishment, revelation, and resourcing.
  2. If our pace is out of sync with grace, satan will use our own momentum to take us out of the fight - permanently, if at all possible.
  3. Pacing ourselves is not meant to be restrictive.  It's relational.  We are paced for partnership.  We cannot, by God's own design and will, win by running out ahead of God's army alone.
  4. When Asahel dies, the rest of the warriors lose focus.  The greater our giftedness, the greater the temptation to rush ahead.  Unfortunately, this also means the greater the distraction to the rest of the team when we fall on our faces.
  5. Though our haste may not result in our actual death, it may mean the death of our dream or assignment.  We mustn't let zeal for victory in the Lord consume our conformity to the Lord.
Friends, God is certainly looking for a people with the faith and passion to go the distance with Him against His foes.  We have said, "We are here, Lord!  We will fight with You!"  That is wonderful!  Now, let's take a beat.  Take a breath.  Let's SLOW DOWN and get our pace from His grace.

Forever panning for gold,
Chris Liotta
Lead Pastor
Rivergate Church

© 2016 Chris Liotta

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