Saturday, May 7, 2016


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I woke up this morning with a phrase repeating in my head, "Parallel lines never intersect, but they are still in a relationship with one another."  It was the Lord.  I have really come to recognize His voice over the years, and I just LOVE when I wake up with it running through my head!  It's so much fun deciphering and digesting what He is delivering.  And now for the message behind the message, and this blog's nuggets.

There are two main concepts the Lord was speaking to me through this word:
  1. First, one of the problems with unity in the body of Christ is that we mistake it as requiring conformity.  Now, before some of you get twitchy about what I am proposing, let me be clear.  I believe in right and wrong.  I believe that sin is a real thing and that ignoring it doesn't get anyone closer to God.  I believe that there are reasons why we would not want to hitch ourselves to a certain wagon, especially one rolling slowly toward a burning barn.  But, too often, we, as believers, divide ourselves over nuance and perspective.  We look at life like the image above and we fall for the optical illusion of it all.  Somehow the extra lines and the dark spots make us believe that we are not running a parallel race with those around us.  We feel the distortion is real and we start posturing for the impact - criss-cross, crash!  And yet, it doesn't come.  We have squandered energy and opportunity readying ourselves for a battle with our brothers when we could have been celebrating and coordinating with them.  We must stop trafficking in spiritual competition with one another.  Unity does not require conformity.
  2. Second, two people on two paths that will never intersect are still in a relationship.  It's called - parallel.  They have more in common than they think.  We may never cross paths with a born-again believer living across town, but it doesn't have to indicate indifference or division.  God is a vast and variable being.  There is more creativity in the mention of His name than in all the museums and art galleries on the planet combined.  We are foolish to think that any of us has landed on the final opinion or perspective of the King of the Universe.  We are not here to figure Him out.  We are here to get to know Him.  Retaining our individuality, while recognizing our unity is part of the mystery of being in His family.  We are not co-dependent on one another, but we are interdependent, with one another, in Him.  If we will accept this, we will be able to enjoy the crossroads of Christ, created by the Father to encourage and capitalize on our interactions.  And we will do that without feeling the need to compete with or conform to the assignment of the other. We must start realizing that we spiritually complement one another.  Recognizing difference doesn't require division.
Take some time today to consider the people around you, especially those who walk with you on the path of life in Jesus.  If you have been dismissive or divisive in how you have handled those parallel relationships, simply repent.  (Philippians 2:1-11)  If you have been stressed or felt pressured to conform to someone else's assignment, relax.  God needs you to be you.  The only conforming He wants for you is to be conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus.  (2 Corinthians 3:16-18 & Romans 8:28-30)  Now, go take some time, read the scripture links in this blog, and pray about the parallel lines in your life.  

Forever panning for gold,

Chris Liotta

Lead Pastor
Rivergate Church

© 2016 Chris Liotta

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