Saturday, May 21, 2016


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Communication is a non-negotiable.  We all must and will communicate regularly.  Whether it's written, spoken, eye contact, facial expressions, movements, or posture, we are communicating.  Even trying NOT to communicate is a form of communication.  The only choices we have are in the quality of our communications and the harvests that they produce.  I have recently spoken a series on this topic (three parts) and feel that it is important enough to condense and share with you in nuggetized blog form.  

Let's lay some quick groundwork.  You and I have been made in the image of God.  What's more - we've been born again by the Spirit of God and been given a new nature from which we are to live.   As such, we have the privilege and responsibility to function as His representatives and as extensions of His authority.  This means, that if His words are designed to return validated and effective, then so are ours.  If His words are sent forth to heal, so should ours.  If His words are destined to be fulfilled, then so should ours.  Those may sound like bold claims, but they are truth.  And our Father deserves for His Church to be a force of holy power and love the likes of which this earth has not yet seen.  Remember, the Father could have created the world in any way He saw fit.  What He chose, though, was to communicate it into existence.  It stands to reason, then that if we are to advance His will, then our words will be used to accomplish His work.  In light of that, keep these three main thoughts in mind the next time you prepare to communicate:
  1. Anointed communication is CLEAR.  It is honest, informed and intentional.
  2. Anointed communication is CARING.  It assumes the value of its hearer, delivers something of worth, builds strength on others, and imparts grace wherever it flows.
  3. Anointed communication is COMPLETE.  It not only finishes its thoughts, but it creates, instead of complaining; calls forth the eternal, instead of just quoting the obvious; plants crops, instead of poisoning the land; and it secures the future, instead of settling for impotence.
All of these concepts are found in the following verses:
  • ROMANS 4:17 - (as it is written, "I have made you, Abraham, the father of many nations"). He is our father in the presence of God whom he believed--the God who makes the dead alive and summons the things that do not yet exist as though they already do.
  • HEBREWS 11:3 - By faith we understand that the universe was formed by God’s communications, so that all that is now seen was not made out of what was visible, but issued forth from that which was audible.
  • PROVERBS 18:20-21 - With the fruit of a man's own mouth will his stomach be filled; Yes, he will be satisfied with what he uses his lips to produce.  21-For death, that which destroys, dismantles, and decays, and life, that which creates, constructs, and cultivates, are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it, by learning how to guard and order their words, will eat its fruit and flourish.
  • 1 SAMUEL 3:19 - And Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground.
I encourage you - do some study of your own on these powerful Scriptures.  Ask the Father for an anointing in your communications and start reaping a harvest worth eating.  You may not consider yourself a Master Communicator; but that doesn't mean you aren't communicating for the Master.  

© 2016 Chris Liotta

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