Saturday, May 14, 2016


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Got an email after Robert Henderson visited with us and taught on the Courts of Heaven.  As I read it, I thought, "Wow, this is a great question."  Then, as I answered it, I thought, "Wow, this would be a great blog."  So, here it is...

Hi guys, I have been thinking and thinking about what we learned last weekend and now have a zillion questions.  My most pressing question centers around John 5:19 "Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can only do what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does, the Son also does."  This seems to be key to the miracles Jesus performed -- how God's will was done "on earth as it is in heaven."  My question:  How do we "see" what the Father is doing?  I base my prayers right now on God's character, I ask for what He promises in Scripture, I ask for things based on the blood of Jesus and what He paid for, but I can't say that I "see" specifically what God is doing.  I think this would be very effective in the courts of heaven and I would like to "see" more effectively.  I'm very interested in God's will happening on earth.  Any thoughts?  Or definitions?  I have really been pondering this, the Holy Spirit won't leave me alone about it.  Help!

Here are my thoughts...
Without going through every word, I did some Greek study to give a little more perspective.  There are about 4 or 5 Greek roots for the phrase "see."  Their distinctions are significant, but specifically here, Jesus uses the word "blepo."   It is the only word for "see" that also means "to discern," but that is NOT a passive verb.  The vision is voluntary and intentional.  Also, "can do nothing" is a weak translation of the verb "dunamai" used in this verse in conjunction with "poieo," which is the word for God's creative works.  Also, remember that Jesus is addressing their judgments of His claim to be equal with God the Father.  That context sheds light on how to interpret this verse.  Here is my Kingdom Paraphrase:

John 5:19:
Then Jesus offered them a calculated response and clearly spoke, saying, "Listen carefully, because what I am about to say is an eternal "amen and amen!" I officially declare to all of you, The Son by His very nature and choosing can not and will not exercise His miracle power for any creative work in which the Father is not active; because the Son fully discerns and actively observes the Father's movements, patterning His own actions after those of Father-God."

More than a key to the miracles of Jesus, this is the flow of his entire ministry.  And we, too, have the privilege of voluntarily peering into the Father's work and discerning what He is up to.  Notice, Jesus didn't pray about what He should do, He imitated the Father by discernment and observation.  Jesus also said, "If you have SEEN ME, you have SEEN THE FATHER."  When in doubt, we look to what Jesus did and we observe the Father.  We then take that experience into our current situation and trust that we discern His current work.  Once we have done that, the time for prayer is over.  It is now time to exercise the dunamis we have been granted and "get her done!"  The more I read the Word, the more I see that Jesus used prayer for intimacy and personal strength more than direction or guidance.  It seems when we have the former, the latter comes automatically. 

Take some time and meditate on the John 5:19 above.  Ask God for enhanced vision and discernment and when He gives you a prompting - speak it, don't pray it.  This is the essence of obedience and maturity in the Spirit.  Jesus knew  He was the Son of God.  When we realize that we are sons and daughters of God through being born of His Spirit, we can walk in the confidence of our authority, as well.  We don't compete with God when we do this.  We complete His work in the earth...on earth as it is in Heaven.  Hope this helps!

Forever panning for gold,

Chris Liotta

Lead Pastor
Rivergate Church

© 2016 Chris Liotta

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