Wednesday, May 4, 2016


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And so we pray...Last time, we chatted about the challenges many face when trying to build and strengthen their prayer lives.  We acknowledged that the answer is two-fold:  1) Propaganda (created by the enemy to keep us from praying), and 2) the "over-religionizing" of the practice of prayer.  Take a look at "AND SO WE PRAY" to read about the propaganda part.  Today, we will focus on the practice part and what is meant by the phrase "over-religionizing."

THE PRACTICE:  Prayer, as a concept, is widely known and accepted.  When it comes to defining and practicing prayer, however, the perspectives can be as divisive as they are varied.  Some teaching on prayer has created more discouragement than desire; and pressures from well-meaning (or truth be told, sometimes, just plain "mean") believers can scare away the most humble and honest of hearts.  So, in an effort to simplify prayer and inspire a passion and enthusiasm for it, let's pull some of the ritualism, ceremonialism and spiritual "hoop-jumping" out of it (that's what we mean when we say "over-religionizing").  There is sooooo much to say about prayer, so we will only touch a couple of areas; and for space and time, let's bulletize our nuggets:
  1. PRAYERS ARE RELATIONAL, NOT RELIGIOUS - God does not need us to pray as a function of His religious order.  He doesn't need anything from us at all. (Acts 17:25)  He wants us to fix our relationship with Him and draw near to Him through prayer. (Isaiah 55:6-7)  To get to know Him better through prayer. (Philippians 3:10-14)  He designed prayer so that we could truly be friends with Him. (John 15:15)
  2. PRAYERS ARE CONVERSATIONS, NOT FORMULAS - Prayers are simply conversations with God.  Now, it is possible to pray with wrong motives or to pray about things in ways that go against God's design or desire, but there are no formulas. (James 4:3 & Isaiah 5:20-21)  The prayer police aren't waiting in the wings to shut you down.  Also, God is not looking for elaborate, flowering speeches.  Just be humble, honest, and from the heart. (Luke 18:9-14)
  3. PRAYERS ARE FOR EVERYONE, NOT JUST CHURCH LEADERS - Luke 18:9-14 contrasts two very different people as they pray.  One is a church leader (not one of the good ones, though) and the other works for the IRS (not very popular).  Jesus shows us how it is God's desire for everyone to be able to approach God in prayer.  All of us have the chance to get to know God personally, and prayer is the way we do that. (Jeremiah 24:6-7)
  4. PRAYERS ARE FOR GETTING TO KNOW GOD, NOT GETTING STUFF - You can go back through the past points and see this truth about prayer popping through.  Knowing God is so much better of a reward than we realize.  (Philippians 3:10-14)  Rather than asking for more answers from Him, we should be asking for more intimacy with Him.  This doesn't mean that we ignore our needs while we are praying.  It just means that we don't need to pray as if we were beggars.  Don't let your focus stay on the "stuff."  Put more time into appreciating getting to know Him.  (Matthew 6:7-8)
  5. PRAYERS ARE FOR GROWING, NOT GRIPING - Remember, God is our Dad!  Our prayers are times of sitting in His lap or hanging out on the couch talking about life.  In the end, we really just want to be like Him.  (1 John 3:1-3)  If all we ever do is complain, (my wife and I call this "comprayning") we are going to find that prayer becomes a chore and a disappointment - for both us and God, LOL! (Colossians 3:8-13)  We may need to get stuff off of our chest; but then - move on.  Let love become the centerpiece for your prayer time.  (1 John 4:7 & 1 Peter 4:8)
Once our hearts are straightened out in prayer, we find that a matchless power and peace comes from its practice. The prayers of people who have aligned themselves with God through the sacrifice of Jesus are POWERFUL.(James 5:16)  Also, when our hearts are right, our heads start to clear out, too.  Minds made brittle by thoughts that have been dehydrated through worry and confusion get moisturized by God's peace and presence. (Philippians 4:6-9)  Oh, friends, there is nothing quite like it...and so, we pray!

Forever panning for gold,

Chris Liotta

Lead Pastor
Rivergate Church

© 2016 Chris Liotta

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