Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Having a "long term heart" seems to be one of the most challenging things for us humans when it comes to a relationship with the Lord.  It is a legitimate challenge to maintain a focus of affection over the span of decades when we are so barraged with changes in life and circumstance.  The God of the universe is our very own Father.  He is infinite and He has offered infinity to the peoples of the earth by virtue of a relationship with Him.  Oh, what a beautiful thing!  We have entered into a forever endeavor with the Lord, who will guide us throughout our eternal adventure.  His heart is forever inclined toward our good (even when our circumstances aren't so pleasurable) and all He really asks of us is that we would just relax into His leadership and love Him with a long-term heart.

The greatest threat to loving God with a long-term heart is a short-term vision.  There it is...the nugget of gold in today's River of Life.  To whatever degree we are unable to see with the "eyes of eternity," as my wife has called them, we are equally unable to firmly establish our hearts in love with God.  When our estimation of what is "good" is limited by spiritual nearsightedness, we begin to hold God accountable to our value system.  We shift our priorities and our focus from the eternal to the temporal.  The most important things - our "treasure," are no longer the incorruptible goods of heaven, but the fading fads of earthly arguments, appetites, and agendas.  When this happens, it is nearly impossible to maintain the long-term heart.

I am finding that as I get older, I am able to glimpse more of eternity.  My awareness of forever is increasing.  This makes challenges and tribulations a little less potent than they used to be.  My heart is stretching out more and more into that long-term status, which means that my appetites are becoming more synchronized with His.  It is more freeing and fulfilling than I could ever have imagined.  If you are experiencing this too, don't fight it.  Don't resist - relax.  Relax into forever with God and let Him have your long-term heart.  He is so very worth the risk; and no temporal condition or experience can match the rewards.

Forever panning for gold,
Chris Liotta 
Lead Pastor
Rivergate Church

© 2016 Chris Liotta

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