Saturday, June 11, 2016


While reading about the beginning of Solomon's reign this morning, the Lord opened my eyes to see another nugget of wisdom, hidden in the lives of the lovers of God who knew Him from within the context of the original covenant.  You can read it all in 1 Kings 5 and 6, but, here's the back story...

Solomon has just taken over as Israel's leader.  He has just been promised by God unparalleled blessings for famously requesting the wisdom required to function well in this new role as king.  One of his first acts confirms he has received the commodity in question.  He begins a project dreamed of by his beloved father, David - the building of a Temple for God.  Wisdom is evident every step of the way: he honors his father's reign and plans; he keeps Israel on its current trajectory, while advancing and enhancing her place in the world; he cultivates a peace treaty through cooperative and complimentary work with the Sidonians, turning wary neighbors into quick friends; and he engages his people in a project they can be proud of, while not abusing or overworking them.  Solomon is, most certainly, a wise man, a wise builder, a wise leader.

Each of us has our own sphere of leadership to steward.  We all have our "temple to build."  The nugget for today comes specifically from Chapter 6, verse 7, and the remark regarding the stones being cut a distance away in the quarry, that not a "sound of hammer and chisel could be heard at the temple site."  This is wise on so many levels and can bless us as we fulfill our own call to create on Christ's behalf.  By cutting the stone in the quarry, Solomon accomplished three important things: 1) he set a tone for the temple grounds, 2) he ensured that the laborers would only have to carry to the site, that which was necessary for the project, and 3) he kept the site free from waste and debris that would only have to be removed later.

Friends, this is great advice.  God is honing, chipping, and sanding our misshapen and rough edges.  He is perfecting us - both in parts and in the whole.  But, keep it quarry, folks!  Don't send those materials out ahead of time.  There's nothing like a noisy, dirty job-site to distract from the glory of what the Lord is doing.  Why carry all that extra baggage into your assignment?  All that will do is tire you out and be a turn-off to those you are trying to bless.  Keep in mind, you'll still have to be chipped down - sparks and shards flying everywhere.  Then there's the spiritual rubbernecking, as onlookers see every useless thing that wasn't meant to be part of the project right there gathering in a mess at your feet.  And, oh, that debris.  Big chunks of jagged rock laying around the temple as it goes up do nothing but expose workers and watchers alike to ankle-busting trip hazards.  Keep it quarry and keep your place of ministry clean and peaceful.  Don't be so anxious to get done that you get ahead of the Master Craftsman.  The more you allow Him to do at the quarry, the more fruitful things will be at the temple site.

Some of us need to slow down, use the wisdom of Solomon, and learn to milk the quarry for all it's worth.  It may be a little irritating to wait.  Some may wonder, "Why has the site been bare so long?  When are they planning to build?"  Don't be discouraged or goaded into premature delivery.  Be patient.  Be wise.  Keep pace with the Stone Cutter.  Keep trusting the process.  And keep it quarry.

Forever panning for gold,
Chris Liotta 
Lead Pastor
Rivergate Church

© 2016 Chris Liotta

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