Saturday, June 25, 2016


Every felt like that little guy?  Outmatched, outgunned, but with "no way out?"  Ahab was in a similar situation in 1 Kings 20.  He was in some major trouble.  Now, Ahab was a bad king.  A seriously bad king.  He is famous for his "badness."  I point that out for two reasons: 1) Because when you read the story, you will realize this pretty quickly and wonder, "Why the heck is he using Ahab as an example?" and 2) to raise your faith level a bit.  You see, if God is willing and, dare I say, hungry to show Himself strong to someone like Ahab, at the first glimmer of hope regarding his spiritual alignment, then surely we can believe that He will respond to us when we are needing a victory of our own.  Read part of Ahab's story here:

Here are the nuggets I drew from Ahab's story.
  1. You can't trust satan.  Ahab thinks he can just give the enemy what he is asking for in the moment and then be done with the whole mess.  Give the enemy an inch, he'll take a mile.  Give a mouse a cookie...he's gonna ask for a glass of milk.
  2. Next, notice that God's intervention only happens when Ahab aligns his decision making with God's purposes.  God is ever-ready to step in and show Himself strong on behalf of His people.  Once Ahab stops trying to make deals with the enemy, the word of the Lord comes with strategy for victory.  If you have any "deals" going with the enemy, cancel them.  A treaty with the devil is no substitute for the supernatural victory God wants to give you!
  3. For all of Ahab's failures, when the prophet comes, he heeds the instructions.  If Ahab can trust and act upon a prophetic word, so can we.  Follow the instructions and see the victory.
  4. Don't be afraid to ask questions.  Ahab did, and received clarifying direction.  How much more will we, who have been blessed with Holy Spirit's indwelling presence, experience the guiding comfort of His instruction.  (See John 14:16-17 and 16:7-8)
  5. Once you have aligned yourself with the Father's desire, sought His clarifying instruction, and readied yourself for battle - FIGHT!  Just get out there.  Often our waiting is nothing more than fear-driven disobedience.  
Remember, folks.  The battle is HIS.  He wants to show us His love, His strength, His grace.  He wants us free from the enemy's threats and influence.  He wants us enjoying and reflecting His victory!  With God, we are never outmatched, outgunned - and we should never be worried about a way out.  Let Him have His way.  Align with your Daddy King.  Then face your giant and watch the Father step in to wipe the floor with him!

Forever panning for gold,
Chris Liotta 
Lead Pastor
Rivergate Church

© 2016 Chris Liotta

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