Friday, February 19, 2016


 Wikipedia's Hand Pump

Today's nugget addresses the leader in each one of us.  Whether your leading a nation, a corporation, a small team, a family or just yourself, there comes with leadership, and from the Lord, a sense and hope for direction and destiny.  It percolates in our souls and can preoccupy our thoughts.  At times, it simultaneously seems to define and deflate us.  And there are those moments when moving forward just isn't happening fast enough, if even at all.  How we handle those moments will be a direct reflection of our current capacity to manifest the character of Christ, Who is the Ultimate Leader.  Like the simplicity of a well pump, it is much easier to draw people, than push them, towards something.  In the zeal of our perspectives, we can lose sight of this.  We become supernaturally repellent to the hearts of others, thereby hijacking and handicapping the very thing we want to see happen.  In those very moments, the Father is so pleased when we choose to speak future and destiny in lieu of failure and deficiency - even to ourselves!   

Now, the best way to create a hunger for repentance (change/growth/movement) is to rehearse, for ourselves and others, the gift of God's kindness.  Of course, repentance, in its most foundational sense is "a change of mind."  And a change of mind leads to a change of feelings and behavior.  Once that happens, advancement is inevitable.  Jesus used His relationship with the Father to inspire those around Him towards repentance.  He walked in an unshakable revelation of God's kindness.  The people around Him could literally sense and see this.  They loved it!  And it made them hungry to move in His direction.  This is available to us, as well; and we too, are called to use our personal experience with the Father to whet the appetites of those we know and love toward a greater hunger for Him and all that He has whispered as "destiny."  As we do this, His future comes into our focus; and what has been viewed as merely potential, seems suddenly within reach.  And something within reach becomes powerfully motivating.  The kindness of the Lord leads us to repentance; and the kindness of His leaders will lead others to the very same power of transformational thinking.  In this spirit, culture, atmosphere - we will initiate hunger.  We will inspire repentance.  We will experience transformation.  And together, we will move into destiny.

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