Friday, February 5, 2016


 Abraham's Oak

Genesis 13:5-18 details the problems that Abram and Lot began to face as the blessings of God manifested and their holdings increased.  Yes, blessings can sometimes invite problems.  Abram had been promised these blessings from God and they were now the vehicle of frictions between he and a most beloved nephew.  I love Abram's response.  I am personalizing and paraphrasing, of course, but I hear Abram's dialogue as something like this:  "Wow.  We are so blessed that we have to find a way to spread out so the land can support all of what God has given us!  Hey Sarai, how about we give Lot first pick?  We'll let him choose the spot he likes best.  I mean, we are the ones who encouraged him to follow us in the first place; and I am sure the Lord will continue to bless us no matter which way we go.  What do you say?"

The next thing that happened is what has really touched me and it contains the "gold nugget" I found while at "the river" today.  God's reaffirmation of His promise - this beautiful, supernatural interruption into Abram's day and thoughts, came on the heels of Abram's generous and peaceful solution to a potentially divisive situation.  Abram, as God's friend, could have asserted his rights over Lot.  After all, the promises belonged to him.  He could have demanded Lot take his clan and go.  Instead, his trust in the Lord and his humble heart led him to be so generous.  This caught God's attention and He couldn't help but beam with Fatherly pride!  He stepped out of the unseen and blessed Abram all over again.

Friends, let's follow Abram's example.  Trust the Lord.  Be His friend.  Let's not cling to the visions, dreams, promises, assignments - even our destinies, so tightly that we sacrifice the heart of God in the process.  Know this:  the development of our calling is very often directly linked to the development of our character.  Promises are often fulfilled at the pace of our maturity.  Prioritizing love and relationships is a sure fire way to capture God's heart of beauty and invite His hand of blessing.

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