Tuesday, February 9, 2016



I love love.  It is gentle and fiery and powerful and eternal.  It spans time, space, generations, cultures, and any other barrier we can imagine.  It is unquenchable, unstoppable and unpredictable.  It is generous and hopeful.  Love is simultaneously content in the present and hungry for more.  It is alive and growing and never satisfied with a maintenance-mode.  True love cannot be divorced from the passion and desire to overcome every pocket of hate and indifference it encounters.  Its self-appointed mission is to take over!  God IS love.  He is the source of it; the power behind it.  He exemplifies, magnifies and ratifies all that love is, does and plans.  Walking in love is much more than being "nice" or socially pleasant.  It is the conscious choice to let Papa God take over your soul.  To give Holy Spirit free reign in the formation of your thoughts and the expression of your emotions.  It is the yielding of one's will to the passions of Christ.

When Paul describes love, he is not listing a set of rules or behaviors that religious people should imitate on behalf of their faith.  He is revealing an infinitesimal fragment of the supernatural chemical composition of the Creator of the Universe.  He is whetting the appetite of those who have been born-again with their own potential modus operandi.  When John, one who knew the essence of God's heart, says that "God is Love," he is intentional to distinguish the difference between the possession and the presence of it.  Love is a person, not a principle.  To traffick in love is to become a broker of the literal and transformational presence of God; and this, friends, is the backdrop for anything worth doing at all.

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