Wednesday, September 21, 2016


I love word studies. Digging into ancient languages and original meanings literally transforms my understanding in ways that just thrill me.  Today's topic is the result of one of those times.  Take a look at Psalm 147:10-11.

He does not delight in the strength of a horse or take pleasure in human might. No, the Lord ’s delight is in those who fear him, those who put their hope in his unfailing love.

The theme of these two verses is identifying that which brings pleasure and delight to God.  Though we'll focus on the word "fear" that appears later, we'll give a moment to the words for "pleasure" and "delight."  The Hebrew word for "delight" is "chaphets;" and its root meaning is "to move or bend down."  For "pleasure" ("ratsah") the root meaning is "to enjoy, express favor, and be satisfied."  In other words, our Father is not impressed or moved by the confidence we place in solutions that are premised in natural strength.  His deep joy and soul satisfaction come from something else, something that He can't help but express favor towards - those who fear Him and put their hope in His unfailing love.  Now, this word "fear" is the Hebrew "yare".  The letters that comprise it are: yod, resh, and aleph.  Their symbols are, respectively, the hand of surrender and worship, the head of man fixed in a gaze, and the ox, which is the letter of God the Father and symbolizes sacrificial leadership.  In other words, the fear of the Lord is not about cowering before the One who could turn you to ash in a nanosecond.  It is about the willing surrender of our affection, energy, and focus to the One to Whom we have entrusted our total welfare, being, and destiny.  "Fearing Him" means actively declaring that all of who we are not only appreciates His sacrifice, but is yielded to His leadership.  From this posture, we put all of our faith-based expectations in His omni-capable covenant love.  And it is that trust, that satisfies the soul of the Creator of the Universe.

When we, His kids, give up trying to earn His approval with our abilities, or save the day with our own strength and supplies, and simply surrender in faith and gratitude, placing all trust in the nature and character of His love - we light Him up!  The Latin and French derivations for "delight" are actually "to be allured and aroused."  Almighty God is romantically provoked when we, out of complete deference to His might and dependence on His love, fix our gaze on Him.

Take a look at your biggest problem today.  If you have been scrambling around, trying to deal with it through your natural strength and supply - STOP.  Take a breath.  Turn your hands and heart over to Papa.  Gaze at His beauty in worship and rest in His unfailing love.  Surrender to and put your hope in His sacrificial leadership.  Feel His temperature rise and make room for His passionate response.  Your trust is alluring to Him.  It inspires His creativity, His productivity.  Let Him have His way and He will make a way for you.  It's Who He is and how He moves.  It's His pleasure.  It's His delight.  

Forever panning for gold,
Chris Liotta 
Lead Pastor
Rivergate Church

© 2016 Chris Liotta

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