Saturday, August 20, 2016


A fresh read of Esther recently reminded me of the power of favor - and its flip-side dangers.  This study could get REALLY in-depth, but I've tried to nuggetize the highlights.  Read the full story here:

Maybe you have considered these before, but here's what stood out to me...  
  1. Vashti refuses to visit the king and his friends when he requests.  This is not a crime, but certainly an insult.  As a result of her attitude and actions, a decree is written ex post facto and she is banished - forever.  A bad attitude, laced with enough pride, will not only remove, but reverse favor.
  2. Esther is whisked off to the palace.  Her sweet spirit earns her the favor of Hegai, custodian of the king's harem.  A good attitude, laced with enough humility, will capture the attention of those strategically placed to release favor.
  3. Esther's favor snowballs into royalty.  Those who handle even the slightest favor well will soon experience the momentum of favor.
  4.  Mordecai reveals a plot.  His humble attitude and genuine care for Esther earn him her ear, which saves the king.  Favor is powerful enough to function through multiple degrees of separation.
  5. Haman is exalted.  His service to the king was noted and rewarded.  Favor isn't only a reward for righteousness - it can also be a test for it.
  6. The Jews are in peril and Mordecai confronts Esther.  All the favor in the world won't mean a thing if you are afraid to tap into it.  Favor wants to bear fruit.
  7. Haman has private dinners with the king and queen and yet loses his joy because one Jew won't bow down to him.  No amount of favor will satisfy a heart full of pride and hate.
  8. Mordecai steps into grace, while Haman builds a gallows.  Walking in righteousness makes you a target for supernatural favor. God moves heaven and manhandles hell to protect the true recipients of His favor.
  9. God gives Haman a last chance.  If he would only humble himself when Mordecai is honored, he could continue enjoying favor.  Favor wants to remain.
  10. Esther comes before the king. Contrast this to Vashti.  Eshter actually breaks a law worthy of capital punishment, but her attitude and actions save an entire generation.  Favor, times faith, times humility, equals miracles.  Favor makes you a magnet for the impossible.
  11. Rather than humble himself during Mordecai's parade, Haman festers and plots and fails his righteousness test.  Favor, divided by pride, times sin, plus hate, equals judgment.
  12. All the people of God enjoy the victory.  Don't think you won't experience the favor of God, just because it wasn't you who was chosen to live in the palace.  The fruit of favor is shared by the family, not just the few.
I hope you enjoyed these!  Now, go soak in the favor that Jesus died to release into your life...

Forever panning for gold,
Chris Liotta 
Lead Pastor
Rivergate Church

© 2016 Chris Liotta


  1. Nice and effective blog post. The content is too short but effective.

    1. So glad you enjoyed this. And thank you for one of the highest compliments a writer can receive: "too short." ;-)

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