Wednesday, August 24, 2016


I had a conversation with a friend this week and the subject of having our hearts circumcised became a significant discussion point.

WARNING:  The rest of this blog is for mature readers.  The content won't be crass, but the value of the nuggets are in the detailed parallels drawn between literal male circumcision and the figurative circumcision of the heart.  If you would find discussion on the male anatomy and the process of circumcision offensive, stop reading.  If not, read on and surrender more of you to all of Him.

28A man is not a Jew because he is one outwardly, nor is circumcision only outward and physical. 29No, a man is a Jew because he is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a man’s praise does not come from men, but from God.

Undoubtedly, the practice of circumcision has a physical context, but the meaning and implication of it are Spirit-driven.  The beliefs to which we hold create an internal atmosphere that affects our outer life.  The condition of our spirit commands the behaviors and fruit of the flesh and soul.  Circumcision, therefore, possesses value only to the degree by which it is a reflection of covenant relationship with God.  And it's covenant power is constrained by the limits of our own surrender.   God wants us to circumcise our hearts.  He inspires us to do so by hinting toward some rewards, symbolically, through our understanding of the effects of male circumcision.  There are lots of ways to look at this, and a good doctor can probably blow your mind with the parallel potential, but here are a few of my own nuggets.

  1. Male circumcision hurts.  We do it anyway because we believe the benefits will long outlast the pain.  Let God circumcise your heart.  The glory revealed through you afterwards is worth the pain now.
  2. There is a reason why the penis is a part of our body that we call our "privates." We don't show it to just anyone.  A heart circumcision deals with your "privates" as well.  Don't think you can give God permission to circumcise your heart, if you are still committed to keeping your secrets.
  3.  The foreskin being removed in circumcision is a natural part of the body.  It's removal isn't necessary for normal function, or the result of some disorder or disease.  It is the circumcision that is unnatural.  Your heart is the same.  Circumcision of the heart is unnatural.  What's natural is to protect and hide what's in there.  In essence, there is nothing wrong with your heart before circumcision.   Circumcision of the heart isn't natural - it's supernatural!  And if you want to live the supernatural covenant life with God, you must allow him to circumcise your heart.
  4. Okay, for the sake of space, here's the last one.  The tip of the penis is ultra sensitive.  The foreskin covers the tip so that the penis is only stimulated by that which the person allows to touch it.  Circumcision forever changes this, exposing the sensitive tip to everything in proximity, regardless of the will of the one to whom it belongs.  When God circumcises our hearts, we surrender our right to a protective sheath over our hearts - a sheath that we alone will use to control how and why we are stimulated or aroused in our spirit and soul.  Allowing God to circumcise your heart will commit you to exposing your most sensitive inner man to that which touches, stimulates, and arouses the heart of God.  In this condition, you declare to Papa, "Let me feel what You feel.  Let my heart be touched by what touches Your heart.  Let me be aroused by what arouses You!"
 There's so much more to this than we've looked into here.  Friends, the circumcision of the heart will hurt, but it's worth it.  We will be exposed.  No more living, thinking, or feeling under the illusion of darkness and secrecy.  We will be forever at the mercy of God's agenda for our souls.  We will begin to feel what He feels - every supernatural pleasure and stinging pain.  But it's worth it.  He's worth it.  You're worth it.  Even now, I feel the blade at my chest.

Forever panning for gold,
Chris Liotta 
Lead Pastor
Rivergate Church

© 2016 Chris Liotta

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