Monday, October 9, 2017


"Go ye into all the world...." Famous words familiar to just about every church-goer out there. Let's set the stage. Jesus has lived, loved, and lifted the hearts of humanity. There have been countless challenges and transformations. The drafting of disciples and the drama of detractors. Miracles, messages, and multitudes. Rest for the weary, and then, boom! A RESURRECTION! [mic drop...pause for effect] Now, on the heels of all this excitement, we are given - wait for it...The Great Commission. Go, ye - everywhere. Wow. Tall order.  When we here those words, we can be understandably intimidated. Especially in our modern world, with trains, planes, and automobiles all primed and poised to take us anywhere on the planet we could possibly desire to go, and probably in less than a day.

Keep in mind, though, when Jesus spoke these words, that wasn't the case. Sandals, camels, ships, and carts were the mode of the day. I can imagine what I may have been thinking in their place. What? The whole world? What is this guy talking about? How are we supposed to do that? Why would we want to? I mean, I believe and all, and I'm sure grateful for the stuff, but 'go into the world?' That's a bit over the top, don't you think?  He knew this. Jesus knew how they'd hear this word. The impossible absurdity of it in their ears. But He wasn't trying to break the backs of their faith with a ridiculous task. He was inspiring a "think outside the box of yourself" perspective of His Kingdom.

Much like today's society, most of the people to whom Christ spoke were pretty wrapped up in their own survival. They were beggars, bakers, builders, and businessmen. They were teachers and tax collectors, farmers and fishermen. And they were looking for a better life for themselves and their families. Jesus offered hope, healing, and happiness. In His face were freedom and forgiveness. That's all they wanted. All anyone wants, right? As true as that may be, there's more. You see, as He addressed the crowd that day, Jesus wasn't a supernatural Santa, throwing trinkets and baubles from an ascending sleigh. He was (and is) the King of Kings, calling forth family members into His cause. "Go ye into all the world" wasn't so much a command to get our passports updated, as it was a call to think outside of our own needs. To stop fighting for our swing at God's impersonal piñata of provision and recognize our opportunity to actually partner with Papa Almighty in His blessing business. Answering the "go ye" call is about trusting Him enough to know that He cares for and will take care of us, and then loving Him enough to go and care for others. It's not as much about venturing out to the faceless foreigner as it is visiting your nearest neighbor. "Go ye" is our chance to traffick in the goodness of God - to be carriers and not just consumers. To advance even more than we absorb.

So, shrug off the intimidation and isolation. Trust, love, reach, and bless. And "go ye" into all the world right there where you are. Partner with Papa to live, love, and lift your neighborhood. That's all He wants. All He's ever wanted, right?

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Many of you have heard us refer to "Gulliver's Year" and have been asking, "where did that come from?" and "tell me what that means."  Well, here you go...Enjoy!

During one of our prayer gatherings in November, Mary McWilliams was stirred powerfully with the thought of the Church, especially here in America, "waking up" and "shaking herself" free from stupor and fear and complacency.  Dr. Stuart Quartemont immediately saw an image of Gulliver, strapped to the sand by the Lilliputians, rising easily and gently to his full height - not to harm the Lilliputians, mind you, but to literally come to their rescue.  All of us in attendance quickly confirmed the fun power behind this thought, and it has become an expectation and declaration for the new year.  Holy Spirit has helped me to fill in some gaps and create a short language for this word that is guiding my faith as I meditate on "Gulliver's Year."

 It is time for the Church to pick up the mantle of Christ more fully and rise to the rescue of the world.  Creation groans and cries out for us to be realized for who we are:  the safe and powerful children of the Most High God, called to bless the earth and its inhabitants into a supernatural movement in the direction of His will, to the glory of His Name!

2017:  "Gulliver's Year"
This will be a year of:

  1. Shaking off slumber and sloth.
  2. Shedding fears and insecurities.
  3. Surrendering fully to the person and passions of Christ.
  4. Standing tall and strong, confident in the Holy Spirit.
  5. Stepping into our identity as our Daddy King's giants of faith and power.
  6. Shouting out boldly our praise and prayers and proclamations of faith.
  7. Supernaturally serving God's family and the lost around us with great love and care.
Check out these verses:  Isaiah 51:16-17, Ezra 10:4, and Isaiah 60.

Join us in rising from the sands of false bondage to function in the supernatural grace of God on behalf of His kingdom and His children - both the lost and the found.

Forever panning for gold,
Chris Liotta 
Lead Pastor
Rivergate Church

© 2017 Chris Liotta