Saturday, November 5, 2016


My sons and I had the privilege of attending a talk at A&M University's Memorial Student Center, hosted by TAMU Hillel and featuring Mr. Max Glauben - a holocaust survivor.

..."Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have a peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.  Not only that, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us"...Romans 5:1-5

We listened to Mr. Glauben's story - real and painful and ugly, and yet, elegant and honest, humble and forgiving.  We were shocked by his generosity and tenacity.  He was concerned, and made intentional effort not to offend - to be sure we understood his hateless position.  He recalled horrific torture; the death of his father and countless others; painful, impossible natural conditions; starvation, dehydration, and humiliation.  At times, we chuckled with him as he made light of some irony or personal confession, and then went right back to shedding tears of sorrow and awe as the details of suffering unfolded like a filthy rag hiding humanity's dark secret.

Suffering.  It is altogether grueling and yet strangely beautiful.  Through it, we have the unique opportunity to become more like Christ.  To become that which Father created us to be. When suffering in innocence, we associate directly with Christ's human experience.  When suffering as the guilty, we can be purged and humbled and realigned.  We have been justified and have peace.  Our faith has given us access to His grace. His grace lifts us upright and promises a glory that causes joy to explode within us.  This is Messiah - the Fruit of Suffering.  And as we suffer with Him, in the minimal or monumental ways in which that occurs, we learn to persevere. And that perseverance strengthens the mettle of our souls.  And that integral strength births a hope that can not be quenched.  And that hope is indefatigable, being empowered by the very lavish love of God, apportioned directly into our very own hearts.

Friends, do not shrink back from and squander your sufferings on complaints.  Do not waste this precious resource.  Do not invite it, it will come on its own.  When it comes, accept and endure it for the sake of the glory it smuggles into your soul.  You don't have to enjoy it, but it should cause you to rejoice.  For when it has had its way - Messiah will have had His as well.  When it is finished and the moment passes, take a look in the mirror.  You may just look a little more like Jesus.

Forever panning for gold,
Chris Liotta 
Lead Pastor
Rivergate Church

© 2016 Chris Liotta